Santos Rosewood, despite being a substitute for Brazilian/Rio Rosewood, is not a true Dalbergia. Brazil and Bolivia are the major suppliers of Santos. It is also known as Cavinua, Jacaranda pardo, Pau Ferro, Morado and several others. Some of these names are also used to describe other species as well. Both Rio and Santos Rosewoods are hard and oily. They require a little extra care before gluing and finishing like Teak. Santos is beautiful but sequences are typically smaller and colors are not consistant from one flitch to the next. We pretty much always have some around but I prefer to pull mill samples for projects that require at least one sequence. That way you get to pick the look that works for you. There is a chance that we might have what you are after especially if you are looking for a small quantity. So check with us and lets see what we can do to help you.