Ebony Macassar African Wood Information

Macasser Ebony comes from India, Indonesia and the Philippines. It's getting rare and really expensive! I have read that girdling for two years and then air drying for six months is the procedure that reportedly gives the best results, probobly not going to happen in any of our back yards. That doesn't make this wood any cheaper though so to get away from the expense there are some alternatives. You can use engineered Ebony and or a stained substitute. The problem is is that there really isn't anything like the real thing! Quarters continue to get narrower and a little tougher to deal with. There are several appearances afforded by this wood and one thing I have noticed over the years is that picking out a particular look becomes very personal and should. You had better like what you are about to live with. We pretty much always have some Macasser in our inventory and or we acquire what we need.

Quarter Cut Macasser Ebony

Ebony Macassar Veneer

Quarter Cut Macasser Ebony

Ebony Macassar Veneer