Myrtle Burl

When you purchase a Myrtle Burl/Burr flitch you get some bundles that look like the colors you get in a root beer float. Other bundles will look more like french vanilla and then there are the bundles that are green and brown with dark burl eyes and maybe a little french vanilla sprinkled in for good measure. Myrtle long wood is much the same when it comes to color. This is a West coast wood. I am told that it is not unusual for a Myrtle tree to have many burls scattered up and down its trunk. It seems that we go through hot and cold phases with most burls in that they rotate in popularity. These days with the car market being as depressed as it is, the burl market in general is down. We do have a good Myrtle burl in inventory and the plates are good sized so don't hesitate to ask about.

Myrtle Burl

Myrtle Burl/Burr

Myrtle Burl

Myrtle Burl/Burr