Myrtle Wood Veneer Information

The domestic Myrtle wood that we are most familiar with is also commonly called California Laurel. It occurs from Oregon to California. There are other woods around the world that are referred to as Myrtle most of which are growing in the Oceanian and SE Asian parts of the world and in many cases are not true Myrtles. Most crafts men and women are probably more familiar with it in burl form and turning stock apposed to longwood veneer and lumber. I think that Myrtle has a very pleasing rustic barn wood appeal to it. The down side might possibly be the inconsistantcy of its appearance from one cutting to the next, which, you can get with Alder, Hickory and the Oaks etc. We do not stock Myrtle long wood veneer but we do have Myrtle burl veneer. I am being caucious when I say that I am usually able to locate longwood veneer if I have a little time to contact a number of possible sources.

Myrtle Wood


Myrtle Wood


Myrtle wood


Myrtle wood
