Quilted Maple Kitchen Cabinets

This is a nice size kitchen, not to big or to small. It has clean lines and fits the space its in well and that, I think, is what makes it work so well with Quilted Maple. One thing I have noticed over the years is that you need to be careful with quilted Maple. It has such a spectacular appearance that the tendency is to go a little over board and before you know it,"over kill"! Incorporating other woods, especially quarter cut and plain sliced Maple in with it helps the quilted stand out but not take over. I put the pictures of this desk in for an example. We built this desk with a quarter cut Maple base and used plain sliced Maple for the border with a field of quilted Maple. Even though building the desk was anything but simple, it looks clean and the quilted really stands out.

Quilted Maple Kitchen

Quilted Maple Kitchen Cabinets
Quilted Maple Desk

Quilted Maple Kitchen Cabinets
Quilted,Quarter & Plain Maple Desk

Quilted Maple Kitchen Cabinets